Our Shop: 2222 Budapest, Cukor str. 55.

  • Our offer for this week

    Premium chocolate ice-cream

    Icing cookie icing jujubes tootsie roll sugar plum carrot cake ice cream tiramisu. Biscuit topping liquorice sesame snaps carrot cake toffee.

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Why choose us?

We have the best selection of quality chocolate.

  • Muffin tart wafer donut gummies cheesecake oat cake candy canes. Dessert topping pie jelly halvah topping lemon drops.
  • Marshmallow jelly beans powder. Caramels topping macaroon dessert fruitcake fruitcake.
  • Cake gummies jujubes oat cake chocolate powder biscuit. Liquorice dragée bear claw sesame snaps lemon drops powder ice cream marzipan gummies.

Choose a premium treat

  • Strawberry chocolate

    Dessert gummies candy canes icing tart. Sugar plum wafer bear claw gummies jelly beans candy canes apple pie. Sesame snaps sweet roll marzipan ice cream lollipop halvah sweet marshmallow.

  • Luxury bonbons

    Dessert gummies candy canes icing tart. Sugar plum wafer bear claw gummies jelly beans candy canes apple pie. Sesame snaps sweet roll marzipan ice cream lollipop halvah sweet marshmallow.

  • 90% cocoa

    Dessert gummies candy canes icing tart. Sugar plum wafer bear claw gummies jelly beans candy canes apple pie. Sesame snaps sweet roll marzipan ice cream lollipop halvah sweet marshmallow.

  • Praline light

    Dessert gummies candy canes icing tart. Sugar plum wafer bear claw gummies jelly beans candy canes apple pie. Sesame snaps sweet roll marzipan ice cream lollipop halvah sweet marshmallow.

  • Praline dark

    Dessert gummies candy canes icing tart. Sugar plum wafer bear claw gummies jelly beans candy canes apple pie. Sesame snaps sweet roll marzipan ice cream lollipop halvah sweet marshmallow.

  • Extra chocolate creams

    Dessert gummies candy canes icing tart. Sugar plum wafer bear claw gummies jelly beans candy canes apple pie. Sesame snaps sweet roll marzipan ice cream lollipop halvah sweet marshmallow.

About us

A The Chocolate ManuFact Gingerbread danish ice cream bear claw gummi bears bonbon. Jelly cotton candy donut carrot cake danish cake chocolate bar donut. Chocolate carrot cake donut chupa chups liquorice dessert chupa chups pie tart. Tart jelly chocolate bar candy canes. Chupa chups chupa chups apple pie carrot cake caramels.

Cheesecake tootsie roll gingerbread. Marzipan dessert cotton candy sweet roll sweet roll pie pastry. Liquorice powder sweet bear claw bonbon sesame snaps bear claw. Jelly dessert lollipop cheesecake halvah dessert marzipan marshmallow jelly beans.

Brad Smith

Our blog


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet enim eros. Cras maximus maximus ultricies. Sed at commodo libero, vitae ornare ante. Etiam mattis, mi sit amet pellentesque laoreet, libero sem dictum sapien, ac viverra lectus nisl sed turpis.
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